Unlock the Secrets of Auran 5e: Communicate with Air Elementals in D&D

Auran is an elemental language in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (5e) primarily associated with air elementals and creatures tied to the elemental plane of air. It allows characters to communicate with these entities and tap into the power of wind, storms, and air-based magic.

Discover the power of Auran 5e language in Dungeons & Dragons. Our comprehensive guide provides everything you need to know to master this elemental tongue. Communicate effortlessly with air elementals, harnessing the forces of wind and storms to enhance your gameplay.

Learn the intricate grammar, vocabulary, and expressions of Auran, enabling you to establish a profound connection with the elemental plane. From basic greetings to complex rituals, our guide delves into the nuances of Auran, allowing you to immerse yourself in the rich lore and magic associated with air-based creatures.

Enhance your role-playing experience by unlocking the abilities and knowledge tied to Auran 5e language. Gain an edge over your adversaries as you navigate the Elemental Plane, forging alliances and unraveling hidden secrets. Our guide provides step-by-step instructions, helpful tips, and practical examples to aid your language acquisition journey.

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of the Auran 5e language. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a new player, our guide is tailored to meet your needs. Expand your linguistic repertoire and conquer the skies with the power of Auran in your hands. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your D&D experience.

The basic plane of air utilizes this Auran language dnd 5e to convey. Old Alzhedo was its other name. Auran was the loose and raspy language. It was the vernacular of the early stage so the animals who communicate in early-stage essential dialects those animals can comprehend Auran as well and the other way around.

Check all: Dnd Languages

Auran 5e

Auran 5e Language in dnd languages

The subordinate dialects of Auran are Alzhedo and Midani. Some of the time this Auran 5e language is spoken by the Air Genasi and the smoke drakes.

Auran 5e Language

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Pick your dialects from the Standard Dialects table, or pick one that is basic in your crusade. With your GM’s authorization, you can rather pick a language from the Colorful Dialects table or a mystery language, for example, criminals’ cannot or the tongue of druids. A portion of these dialects are groups of dialects with numerous tongues.

  • Language Family: Primordia
  • Script: Dwarvish
  • Spoken in: Elemental Plane of Air

For instance, the Early-stage language incorporates the Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and Terran vernaculars, one for every one of the four natural planes. Animals that talk various lingos of a similar language can speak with each other.

Your race demonstrates the dialects your character can talk about as a matter of course, and your experience may give you access to at least one extra dialect of your decision. Note these dialects on your character sheet.

Pick your dialects from the Standard Dialects table, or pick one that is normal in your battle. With your GM’s authorization, you can rather pick a language from the Outlandish Dialects table or a mystery language, for example, criminals’ cannot or the tongue of druids.

A portion of these dialects is a group of dialects with numerous vernaculars. For instance, the Early-stage language incorporates the Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and Terran vernaculars, one for every one of the four essential planes. Animals that talk in various vernaculars of a similar language can speak with each other.

Take the Sentiment dialects. French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Romanian all have a place with this group of dialects since they share a typical starting point.

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There are plentiful likenesses in jargon and sentence structure however every has become its own one-of-a-kind extraordinary language. Auran was hoarse, loosened up language that has been portrayed as moderate breathing out of air. It was viewed as a tongue of Early-stage, with the goal that animals who talked one of the other essential lingos, for example, Aquan, Ignan, or Terran could comprehend Auran and the other way around.

The language Aleph is a riddle to even the most learned personalities of the universe, and it is the stuff of legends. Its capacity is believed to be huge and unending, and its legend is old past time, and immensely unbounded.

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An incredible tome was composed by the old divine beings who tell the stories of those saints who looked for Reality inside its pages of gold and spirits, known as the Grammaticum Primeaval, the Grattica of Legends, and Legend. Many interpreted writings are believed to be suggestive of the realities held inside the tome, and every single antiquated language is believed to be initially roused by the Incomparable Word, the language of the spirits and heavenly powers of the universe.

Language Characteristics

    • Origin: Auran is believed to have originated from the Elemental Plane of Air, where it serves as the primary means of communication among air elementals and related creatures.
    • Elemental Nature: Auran reflects the ethereal and ever-changing nature of the air element. It consists of subtle inflections, soft sounds, and flowing patterns that mimic the movement of the wind.
    • Non-Verbal Elements: Auran utilizes non-verbal components such as gusts, subtle hand gestures, and variations in air pressure to enhance and convey meaning.

Learning Auran

    • In-Game Acquisition: Characters can learn Auran through their race, class, or backstory. For example, races with an affinity for elemental planes, like Genasi, may possess a natural understanding of Auran. Classes such as Druids, Sorcerers, and Elemental-themed subclasses may also grant proficiency in Auran.
    • DM Approval: Discuss with your Dungeon Master (DM) to determine how Auran can be acquired during character creation or through in-game experiences.

Benefits of Auran Proficiency:

    • Communication: Auran allows characters to converse with air elementals and creatures associated with the elemental plane of air. This communication facilitates negotiation, gaining information, and potentially forming alliances.
    • Elemental Magic: Auran proficiency can unlock spells and abilities related to air-based magic. Certain spells may have enhanced effects when cast in Auran or provide additional control over wind, storms, and atmospheric phenomena.
    • Cultural Understanding: Auran proficiency can provide insight into the culture, customs, and beliefs of air elementals, deepening your understanding of these creatures and their motivations.

Auran in Gameplay

    • Role-playing Opportunities: Auran proficiency offers opportunities for immersive role-playing, as characters can interact fluently with air elementals and creatures, showcasing their linguistic skills and gaining the trust and cooperation of these entities.
    • Environmental Interaction: Characters with Auran proficiency can sense air currents, detect invisible airborne creatures, and manipulate wind-related puzzles or obstacles, making them valuable assets in air-themed environments.
    • Spellcasting Verbal Components: Some spells may require verbal components, and casting them in Auran can add flavor and thematic coherence to the magical effects.

Additional Resources

    • Official Rulebooks: Auran is mentioned in official D&D rulebooks, including the Player’s Handbook and supplemental materials like Elemental Evil Player’s Companion.
    • Homebrew Content: Online forums, fan-generated content, and homebrew resources may provide additional information, expanded vocabulary, or unique aspects of Auran. Always consult with your DM before incorporating homebrew content into your game.

Remember, the details of Auran may vary depending on your campaign setting, DM’s rulings, or specific adventure modules. It is crucial to discuss any clarifications or modifications with your DM to ensure seamless integration of Auran into your D&D gameplay.


Q: What is Auran 5e language in D&D?

Auran is a language used by air elementals and beings associated with the elemental plane of air in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (5e). It allows characters to communicate with air-based creatures and tap into the power of wind and storms.

Q: How can I learn the Auran 5e language?

Learning Auran 5e language requires a combination of in-game experiences, character backgrounds, and role-playing. Your character can gain proficiency through their race, class, or backstory. Consulting with your Dungeon Master (DM) is crucial to incorporating Auran into your campaign.

Q: What are the benefits of learning the Auran 5e language?

Proficiency in Auran provides several advantages. It enables communication with air elementals, facilitating negotiation, information gathering, and potential alliances. Additionally, it can unlock specific abilities, spells, or magical items related to the elemental plane of air.

Q: Which classes or races are best suited for learning Auran 5e language?

While any character can learn Auran, certain races and classes are more inclined toward elemental connections. Races like Genasi, particularly those with air elemental heritage, may have a natural affinity for Auran. Classes such as Druids, Sorcerers, and Elemental-themed subclasses are also well-suited.

Q: Can non-spellcasters benefit from learning the Auran 5e language?

Absolutely! Auran proficiency goes beyond spellcasting. Even non-spellcasting characters can effectively communicate with air elementals, gain their trust, and potentially utilize their assistance in various scenarios.

Q: Are there any resources or guides available to learn Auran 5e language?

While official D&D rulebooks provide some information on Auran, additional resources like supplemental books, online forums, and community-generated content can offer more in-depth guidance. Consult with your DM, explore online forums, or consider using language-related homebrew content.

Q: Can characters speak the Auran 5e language outside of combat situations?

Yes, characters can use Auran in non-combat situations, such as negotiations, exploration, or gathering information. Auran proficiency adds depth to role-playing, allowing characters to connect with elemental entities and navigate air-themed environments.

Q: Are there any limitations or challenges associated with Auran 5e language?

Auran is specific to air elementals and creatures associated with the elemental plane of air. Its usefulness may vary depending on the campaign setting, the presence of air-based creatures, or the DM’s discretion. It’s important to discuss any limitations or clarifications with your DM beforehand.

Q: Can the Auran 5e language be combined with other elemental languages?

Yes, characters can learn multiple elemental languages, such as Aquan (water) or Ignan (fire), depending on their campaign setting and character choices. Having knowledge of multiple elemental languages can provide a broader range of communication options.

Q: Can Auran 5e language be used creatively in gameplay?

Absolutely! Auran proficiency encourages creative problem-solving and unique gameplay situations. Characters with Auran knowledge can interact with air currents, manipulate wind-based puzzles, or find hidden passages in air-themed environments.

More DND 5e Languages

1. Abyssal
2. Aquan
3. Auran
4. Celestial
5. Common
6.Deep Speech
7. Draconic
8. Druidic
9. Dwarvish
10. Elvish
11. Giant
12. Gnomish
13. Goblin
14. Gnoll
15. Halfling
16. Ignan
17. Infernal
18. Orc
19. Primordial
20. Sylvan
21. Terran

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